She sat in my counseling room, wiping tear after tear, make-up smudge
after make-up smudge. Tense and self-condemning, but to her credit,
honest and oozing out her pain. We examined where suffering comes from and the purpose for it. We contemplated 2 Corinthians 5:21, "God made him who had no sin to be
sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
She claims to be a believer, but it seemed she had never truly understood the Gospel and
how to apply it to her own heart. The fog may have begun to lift as we spoke. Her tears were replaced with smiles as she left. She gave me a warm hug, words of thanks, and assurance she would come again.
To help me recall her story and similar stories of multiple young women I've met, I composed "The thread." To some of the facts and themes that came up in this recent conversation, I have added my impressions and imagination to express where, I have observed, she and many women like her have been, are now, and, hopefully, will be in the future, allowing the last thread of their self-righteousness to be cut and replaced with Christ's righteousness.
Five years ago
I started falling,
and falling.
Two years ago
I violated my conscience.
In a way unthinkable.
“But you need to know
I didn’t want to.
I didn’t mean to.”
My inner Defense Attorney argued.
“How could I subject
An innocent one
To such cruelty as I had known?”
“How could I permit this new life to be,
and so to forever link, not only me, but us?”
“To him?”
“I had good motives.”
“It is OK.”
“I am OK.”
These defense arguments,
The only thread
From which I still hang,
My breathing tube.
Take it away
And I fear suffocating in pain,
or falling deeper,
Hitting bottom,
And breaking into a million pieces.
With this thread you might not judge me
Quite so harshly
You might see a little glistening glimmer
Of goodness,
Still in me
I, too, might believe.
My only hope that I am not totally corrupt
Not totally depraved
Not unworthy of anyone’s love
Not forsaken, accursed, and non-existent
Except for self-detestation,
This thread,
My little piece of hope
Pure repentance
Threatens to steal away.
Another's voice,
The Accuser’s
Drowns out the Defense Attorney’s:
“You unforgivable murderer!”
“You despicable piece of dirt!”
He screams and everyone around
Echoes his words,
An inescapable
hall of mocking mirrors..
Feelings of hatred and shame
Wash over me anew
Insanely, frantically
I run to escape the haunting images
and accusations reverberating
mirror to mirror
I don’t care where to anymore.
I must drown the voice of the Accuser,
The relentlessly screaming Prosecuting Attorney
In my head and everywhere I look
But how to really escape
The truth of what I did?
The truth of who I am?
When not shouting,
Even its whispers
Are penetrating
My plugged ears,
Claiming to be the core
Of my person-hood.
And you, friends? Family?
You want to block my running?
You DON’T understand
I need to push past you,
Push through you,
I do what I have to do
To survive
I don’t mean to hurt you, too.
But don’t you see?
Running is the only way.
Numbness is my only friend.
Is my only...
I ignore a deep haunting:
This friend
I know
Is a masked enemy
So afraid to live without
This Deceiver; yet,
So afraid of the day
He might unmask
I knew the unveiling was coming,
And along with any voice
Of reason,
I pushed that
thought away, too.
I didn't expect it would be
I fear to see
As he really looks
Behind his mask.
But I must!
Cells of a new life
Multiply In my womb
A new chance to start afresh
To undo the past
To protect this one.
Such knowledge
Cracks the Deceiver's mask
His ugliness peers out.
"Would you, my "friend,"
harm this little one?"
I jab.
"You would do
what I never want to be a part of again!"
As accusatory as I am,
I know
It is I, I who made this evil alliance
As I drank and partied away my shame.
In running from the mirrors,
I had run to another.
It is my own ugliness beneath the mask
glaring at me again!
I am so afraid.
What have I done?
Will this one survive
poison I've pumped into its veins?
Will the Accuser never
Be silenced?
True guilt
True punishment,
I conclude.
I will call up Jury and Judge
For mental court.
“Guilty as accused!"
They cry.
I self-sentence.
I self-punish.
I cut.
A sense of justice.
With justice, a semblance of peace.
“There must be a sacrificial retribution
And it must be me.”
Over and over again
Court meets.
Who cares anymore?
I cut again.
Vacuous peace cycles with despair,
To my slow destruction.
Then, when least expected,
As if other-worldly
A new friend sings me a song
That permeates my darkness!
A song I didn't know
No one ever sang me
such lyrics before:
“There was already a judgment
The sacrifice has been made
The shame has been borne
The price has been paid.
Amazing love,
Your victory won
It is over.
Walk free!
Even the broken remnants
I will redeem!
If you let me.
Will you let me?"
Now, yet dimly,
I see,
It is not me,
But sin in me.
I lift what I always feared
The fountain pen of true confession,
Of pure repentance.
Embracing the waterfall
Of eternal love and forgiveness,
I sign in agreement
ALL my sin
and total depravity.
No more masks.
No more thread needed!
Barely having finished signing my name
The water rushes forth,
Swallows up the ink-named sins
In curls it swirls away and is gone
Clean parchment left
Signed, "Jesus."
Clean parchment
Awaiting new words, a story of my newness.
Defense, Accuser, Masked Deceiver, Jury, and Judge,
In shock that I'd ever sever loyalties,
All flee,
Shrinking away to nothingness.
I know the truth,
And the truth
Has set me free!
I let go of the thread of self-righteousness
And Christ catches me with his righteousness
I don't fall,
I fly!
And I breathe
Heavenly air,
Than ever recalled!
by Rhonda Lynn Wilkinson 3/13/13