Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Password Preaching

In creating a new password recently, I realized I utilize "Password Preaching." Wondering if anyone else does, too??   How many passwords do you create or use per week? Every time is an opportunity to preach to yourself in an area where you need encouragement from God's word.  Need to change a password? Try:  "Cast your care upon Him, for he careth for you," "I am not my own, for I am bought with a price" (with the blood of Jesus), "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ." "Love suffers long and is kind." "Abide in Christ.  Without Him I can do nothing." "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." "If I do anything without love, I am nothing." "The wise man builds his house upon the rock." "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God." "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it." "Don't be afraid, only believe." "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." "If I live to please man, I am no longer a servant of Christ, but a servant of man." Make "o" into zero, "i" into the number 1, "s" into a "5", etc. If you need fewer letters/numbers, abbreviate the verse to one or two key words.

I started password preaching to myself in 1996 with my first email account password. At that time of my life it was really hard to face each day with thanksgiving, so I used the word "Rejoice!" (in another language) to remind myself that God commands me to "Give thanks in all things," "to rejoice evermore," "to count it all joy I fall into various trials, because the trying of my faith produces patience and patience produces long-suffering, and long-suffering produces character, and character (or steadfastness, in some versions) when it has it's full effect makes me perfect and entire, lacking nothing."  Password Preaching- Just one more way to get the correction, rebuke, and instruction in righteousness of the Word of God into our everday lives.  Try it. It helps this forgetful creature and may help you, too!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Treasures Afresh

This summer I had the privilege of teaching two young Chinese girls English for a month and exposing them to Christian family life and various aspects of American culture.   Both girls returned to China with gifts of Bibles and Bible story books in their suitcases.  The one immediately picked up with her lessons on SKYPE.  We are slowly progressing into Genesis and are up to chapter 9.  As she encounters problems in the lives of the biblical characters, in the world, and in her own life, she has repeatedly bemoaned, "Why, oh why did Adam and Eve have to eat the fruit?" Each time I have the opportunity to instruct her in the nature of man and our need for a Savior.  Just today the other gal began with lessons on SKYPE.  Early into our lesson, she interrupted our academic conversation to proudly inform me that she has now completed the first 22 chapters of Genesis! 

There's so much to be gleaned from the Word of God:  faith, hope, love, comfort, encouragement, history, heroes, positive and negative examples, conviction, correction, instructions in righteous living, in sexual morality, and in family unity, to name just a few of the treasures. And in our case, there's also English vocabulary,  grammar, and usage, but most importantly, we can meet God himself in the pages of Scripture! 

I was not seeking to teach English to anyone but the Hispanic ladies at the women's center where I counsel.  God just dropped this opportunity into my lap with one girl and her mom for what I initially thought would be a 6 to 8 week commitment last Spring.   Our growing friendship led to their asking me to hand pick host homes for the girls' visit this past July.   I did have a choice, to say "Yes" or "No" to each opportunity.  Want an exciting adventure?  Say "Yes!"  Find an immigrant, a refugee, or a visitor to the USA who has never ever heard or read the Bible before!  Be their friend and get a window into the culture of another land.  Read the Bible together to help them with their English, and see its treasures afresh through their eyes.  

How long will I continue to tutor?  I don't know.  "Where He leads me, I will follow!"  A third student also began today, and a fourth is now interested.  How to fit it in?  In my case, I get up early, before the work day begins, or sometimes stay up late since China is 12 hours ahead of USA Eastern Standard time.  If you knew there were real treasure to be found and you could impact some one's life for eternity, wouldn't you do the same?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why a Blog and Why "Beyond Bread"?

For some time now, I have been wanting to start a blog, actually several... on different topics, but I recently decided that I need to simplify communication to my missions support team, so that I get it out more regularly, and in bite-size pieces!  And I think a blog is the best way for me to do that!  One of the problems with having counseling as a main focus of my ministry is the confidentiality aspect.  Often, for confidentiality, I will need to speak somewhat in generalities, without specific names.  I will, however, give some specifics about the challenges and the fruit of the work I am doing, so you can better pray and more specifically rejoice with me! I will also include things I'm learning that may be helpful to you with the counseling opportunities God gives you!

So, why "Beyond Bread Adventures"?  Well, I LOVE Jesus and the Scriptures, both symbolized by "bread" in the Word of God.  It doesn't mean "beyond" them, but beyond physical bread, to them! For some time now, I've wanted to use "Beyond Bread" for a book of poetry or a music album of songs I'd write with theological content that is meatier than what might be classified as milk or bread in the Word because it speaks deeply to even those saints more theologically versed and seasoned in their walks with the Lord.  Since writing poetry or studying music (informally, if God so permits) has to wait until I finish my biblical counseling degree, I realized "Beyond Bread" characterized what I want to communicate through my blogs. CFW clients who often come to us for help because they lack in physical bread, first and foremost, will be offered something they need far more, spiritual bread.  I need to be reminded that I need the Bread of life, Jesus, and the Word of God for salvation, yes, but also I need to be taking in God and his Word on a daily basis; for without this bread, I cannot really live! When I live directed by, feasting on, and giving forth the Bread of life to others, all of life truly is an adventure with God!

A Taste of Fruit

Here's some "delicious" fruit from your prayers and giving in the form of a spiritual building up and a physical building opened.   Last week, I offered to walk a client out to the exit door from the blessing boutique (where our clients shop with the printed up "bucks" they earn for participating in our educational program). As we walked, she asked if I remembered her, which I didn't because I've seen soooo many women in the past 2 1/2 years at Choices for Women (CFW), but she remembered me, and she profusely thanked me for challenging her to get connected to a local church.  She confessed that she disagreed with me at the time, but that God kept working on her heart through what I'd said (and I'm sure through other client advocates' ministry to her, as well).  She is now regularly attending a good church that's building her up spiritually! This is so exciting to me, because it exemplifies the ultimate goal of CFW: to connect these women to local churches that will continue the discipling process that we begin.  With many of the ladies we see at CFW, we don't get to see the fruit of our efforts this side of heaven.  But at times like this, God pulls back the curtain and gives us a sneak peek! Now for the photos of the opening of our new building at Choices for Women Resource Center.                                                          

The crowd gathered on chilly March 3rd for the ribbon-cutting ceremony and dedication prayer

Rose Condra, Director, cuts the ribbon as board members look on

The other missionaries at CFW, Richard and Janette, the directors of the Blessing Boutique

 Want to help equip our teaching kitchen so we can start teaching cooking skills to clients? Thank you to Calvary Bible Church of Lapeer, MI that is donating some items this coming week!

The spacious classroom for my ESL class and many others.  Live locally?  Want to teach a class to evangelize or disciple moms or dads?  Live at a distance and want to come for a visit and offer a special class? Let me know!

The Ruiz chldren in the new waiting room with their mom and client advocate, Elmy. Elmy with her husband, Alex, started the Hispanic church-plant, La Respuesta

Each counseling room seats three clients and one client advocate. My photographer, Elmy's 5-year-old Ruthie did a great job!  

A mom and new client advocate, Kathy, touring the Blessing Boutique with her baby

Missy, our office manager with her own office

At the client check-in window with Missy and a client advocate's kids