Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why a Blog and Why "Beyond Bread"?

For some time now, I have been wanting to start a blog, actually several... on different topics, but I recently decided that I need to simplify communication to my missions support team, so that I get it out more regularly, and in bite-size pieces!  And I think a blog is the best way for me to do that!  One of the problems with having counseling as a main focus of my ministry is the confidentiality aspect.  Often, for confidentiality, I will need to speak somewhat in generalities, without specific names.  I will, however, give some specifics about the challenges and the fruit of the work I am doing, so you can better pray and more specifically rejoice with me! I will also include things I'm learning that may be helpful to you with the counseling opportunities God gives you!

So, why "Beyond Bread Adventures"?  Well, I LOVE Jesus and the Scriptures, both symbolized by "bread" in the Word of God.  It doesn't mean "beyond" them, but beyond physical bread, to them! For some time now, I've wanted to use "Beyond Bread" for a book of poetry or a music album of songs I'd write with theological content that is meatier than what might be classified as milk or bread in the Word because it speaks deeply to even those saints more theologically versed and seasoned in their walks with the Lord.  Since writing poetry or studying music (informally, if God so permits) has to wait until I finish my biblical counseling degree, I realized "Beyond Bread" characterized what I want to communicate through my blogs. CFW clients who often come to us for help because they lack in physical bread, first and foremost, will be offered something they need far more, spiritual bread.  I need to be reminded that I need the Bread of life, Jesus, and the Word of God for salvation, yes, but also I need to be taking in God and his Word on a daily basis; for without this bread, I cannot really live! When I live directed by, feasting on, and giving forth the Bread of life to others, all of life truly is an adventure with God!

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