Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Taste of Fruit

Here's some "delicious" fruit from your prayers and giving in the form of a spiritual building up and a physical building opened.   Last week, I offered to walk a client out to the exit door from the blessing boutique (where our clients shop with the printed up "bucks" they earn for participating in our educational program). As we walked, she asked if I remembered her, which I didn't because I've seen soooo many women in the past 2 1/2 years at Choices for Women (CFW), but she remembered me, and she profusely thanked me for challenging her to get connected to a local church.  She confessed that she disagreed with me at the time, but that God kept working on her heart through what I'd said (and I'm sure through other client advocates' ministry to her, as well).  She is now regularly attending a good church that's building her up spiritually! This is so exciting to me, because it exemplifies the ultimate goal of CFW: to connect these women to local churches that will continue the discipling process that we begin.  With many of the ladies we see at CFW, we don't get to see the fruit of our efforts this side of heaven.  But at times like this, God pulls back the curtain and gives us a sneak peek! Now for the photos of the opening of our new building at Choices for Women Resource Center.                                                          

The crowd gathered on chilly March 3rd for the ribbon-cutting ceremony and dedication prayer

Rose Condra, Director, cuts the ribbon as board members look on

The other missionaries at CFW, Richard and Janette, the directors of the Blessing Boutique

 Want to help equip our teaching kitchen so we can start teaching cooking skills to clients? Thank you to Calvary Bible Church of Lapeer, MI that is donating some items this coming week!

The spacious classroom for my ESL class and many others.  Live locally?  Want to teach a class to evangelize or disciple moms or dads?  Live at a distance and want to come for a visit and offer a special class? Let me know!

The Ruiz chldren in the new waiting room with their mom and client advocate, Elmy. Elmy with her husband, Alex, started the Hispanic church-plant, La Respuesta

Each counseling room seats three clients and one client advocate. My photographer, Elmy's 5-year-old Ruthie did a great job!  

A mom and new client advocate, Kathy, touring the Blessing Boutique with her baby

Missy, our office manager with her own office

At the client check-in window with Missy and a client advocate's kids 

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